Saturday, March 7, 2015

Course Syllabus

Mrs. Phoebe Skelson                               Math 1                                              Rm. 514
PHS Ph # 892-7450                                  2014-2015

Course Description:       
This is the first in a three course sequence that deals with topics including solving linear equations, solving systems of linear equations, arithmetic and geometric sequences, linear and exponential functions, properties of functions, rigid transformations, congruence and proof, and modeling.  Throughout the course students will be expected to explore problems and come up with their own solutions using varying problem solving strategies.

Materials needed for class:
                It is very important to be prepared for class.
                You will need to bring the following to class each day:
1.       Binder (Every student will be provided with a binder to insert activities and notes.)
2.       Pencil(s), whiteboard marker (fine point preferred), whiteboard eraser (old sock works great), colored pencils
3.       3-Ring Pencil Pouch (stored in binder)
4.       8 tab binder dividers

Classroom Management Plan:
                I expect every student to follow school rules along with my classroom rules.
1.       Be respectful towards others
2.       Follow directions of all staff members
3.       Be responsible for your own actions
Phone calls home, homework pass, verbal praise
1.       Verbal Warning
2.       Change of seats
3.       Discuss expectations privately
4.       Parent Contact
5.       Office Referral/Parent Contact (Chronic Offenders)
*In a severe behavior situations you will be sent directly to the administrator

                You will have math homework Monday-Fridays.  All homework is due the following day it is assigned, unless specified otherwise.  We will usually begin homework in class so that you will have opportunities to ask questions before you leave school.
                All homework will be corrected in class.  It is then your responsibility to look back at problems you have missed, figure out where you made your mistakes, ask questions when necessary, and correct the mistakes on your homework paper.
*Homework is an effort grade and all students who complete the assignment and show their work, will be given full credit.  It is a credit/no credit score and is not based on the accuracy of the assignment.

                Electronics are to be silenced and put away during class.  Earbuds/Headphones should also be put away and out of sight.

End of class:
                The bell does not excuse you.  I will excuse you when I see that all classroom materials have been returned to their appropriate places and after I have made any last announcements to the class.

Late Work:
Late work will only be accepted up until the end of the module.  Students will receive a maximum score of 50% for assignments that are turned in late.

                You will have one day for each excused day absent to complete missing assignments.  Absent work will receive full credit if completed within the specified time frame. If it is not completed within that time it will become late work and will be subject to the late work policy. It is your responsibility to get notes/assignments from a partner or the teacher for each day absent.  If you are absent on a test date, be sure to come in and schedule a time to complete your test. You have one week from the date of your return to complete this test or it will be entered as a 0.

I will be strictly following and enforcing the tardy and truancy policy.  It is your responsibility to be in class ready to work when the bell rings.

                By departmental policy, tests/quizzes will comprise 55% of semester grade, homework/classwork/participation 25%, and the cumulative final 20%.  The course will use a grading scale as follows:

             Grade   Cutoff               Grade   Cutoff                Grade Cutoff                 Grade   Cutoff

              A+          100%               B+           87%               C+           77%               D+          67%
              A             93%                B             83%                C             73%               D             63%
              A-           90%                 B-            80%               C-            70%               D-           55%

Parent Communication
                If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an e-mail at  This is the quickest way to communicate during the school day.

Please visit the Patterson High School Website for school information, policies/procedures, and events. 

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